And then my heart with pleasure fills…

Spring has sprung, and the daffodils here at Special Collections are out in full force! If you’re coming in or even just passing by, take a moment to enjoy them. […]

Happy #WorldBookDay from Special Collections!

It’s #WorldBookDay: a day to celebrate everything book and reading related, from authors to illustrators to publishers… Since 1995, the first Thursday in March has been celebrated as World Book […]

Love it or hate it? Mills and Boon at Reading

Today’s guest post from Judith Watts explores our Mills & Boon Collection. Judith is studying for her PhD as part of a unique collections-based research project at the University of Reading. […]

Steamy Sentences from Mills and Boon

Tired of hearts and roses for Valentine’s Day? Delve into the Mills and Boon world of innuendo instead! Boon Mots: Anthology of Artless Extracts compiles Mills and Boon editors’ favourite […]

Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!

Guest post from Dr John Holmes, Associate Professor in English Literature at the University of Reading, to celebrate Darwin Day: a global celebration of science and reason held on the birthday anniversary of […]

Italy at War: New staircase hall exhibition

Our fascinating new ‘Italy at War’ exhibition is now in place in our staircase hall.  Archival material from the Special Collections of the University of Reading offer a captivating insight […]