Searching the collections
The videos below will show you how to make the most of our online collections search engine, Enterprise. The guide videos range from how to conduct basic searches, to searching for photographs, conducting more thorough searches and how to understand catalogue records.
We are aware that a number of entries in our online catalogue contain either language or imagery which is potentially upsetting. As we do not wish for anyone to feel unwelcome while using our catalogue or collections, we are working to either contextualise the offensive content or otherwise reduce the offence caused. Please click here for a statement on how we are tackling the work on harmful content.
Browse collections
Another way of exploring our collections is to look through the A-Z collections list. These are our distinct, named collections and you will find links to their individual pages here.
Cant find what you’re looking for?
Use our short guide to searching Enterprise which includes a flowchart and tips on finding items and understanding what the catalogue is telling you.
If you cannot find what you need through our databases, please contact us.