An interview with Nitisha, Archives Assistant

One of our volunteers,Whitney, has been interviewing MERL & Special Collections staff about their roles. Today she talks to Nitisha, a Law graduate who now works as a Conservation & […]

Finding Items in the Cole Library

Written by Helen Westhrop, Library Assistant Next week I begin the reclassification of the Cole Library; by this I mean to give each item a place on the electronic catalogue. […]

Explore Your Archive: Woolworths

As part of the Explore Your Archive campaign, weā€™ve been looking at the role of archivists. Here we look at the work involved in dealing with a newly acquired collection, […]

Behind the Scenes: A Tour of Treasures!

Hello! My name is Louise Cowan and Iā€™m a new member of staff here at UMASCS.Ā  Although my official role is ā€˜Trainee Liaison Librarianā€™ and I will mostly be based […]

Rural Reads Plus review: Winter Sonata

For the month of March 2015, Rural Reads Plus read Winter Sonata by Dorothy Edwards. We have the Dorothy Edwards Collection within our Special Collections plus it also a rural […]

A trip to the SS Great Britain

This post comes from David, our Graduate Trainee Library Assistant. Each year, our teams visit a few other collections to learn about how they work and what material they offer.Ā  […]

Life behind the scenes and beyond ā€¦

Todayā€™s post comes from our Library Assistant Helen, who has a special interest in books about illustration and design and has been working on the Mark Longman Library. When I […]