Update on COVID-19

We welcome the announcement that museums will be able to reopen from 4th July. The University of Reading Special Collections and the Museum of English Rural Life will not reopen straight away but we are working hard to put in place all the necessary measures to allow for a new kind of visit, ensuring the safety of all our staff and visitors.
Our reopening will be part of the phased reopening of all the University of Reading’s campus buildings. We hope to be able to share more information about our plans very soon.
In the meantime, we will continue delivering our programme of online exhibitions and activities through our websites and social media and responding to your enquiries. We will also be introducing new digitisation services for researchers in the middle of July, which we look forward to sharing more about very shortly.
Much has changed while we have been closed; we have missed our visitors. We look forward to welcoming you back to the reading room and to being able to contribute to and enjoy being part of the amazing community and cultural life of Reading.