Baron, Hermann – Music Collection
Reference: Uncatalogued collection, handlist available (see below) Date: c. 1799-1850 Extent: 800 items of lithographed music, mostly printed in continental Europe
Collection of printed music (lithographs), formed by Hermann Baron (1914-1989), a music dealer and bookseller. It was acquired by the University Library in 1988. Additions are occasionally made to the collection.
More information
- Handlist of musical items from Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France and Germany.
- Handlist of musical items from Great Britain, Hungary, India, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
- Most items are described in Early lithographed music: a study based on the H. Baron collection by Michael Twyman, 1996.
- Some items are also described in Early lithographed books by Michael Twyman, 1990.