Special Collections Service reading room to re-open

We are happy to announce that we will be re-opening the reading room in its usual space from Tuesday 23 November 2021.
This means that we will have capacity for up to 10 researchers a day, with full access to the books, journals and pamphlets in the open access library corridor.
Opening times will remain the same:
- Tuesday-Friday, 9.30-12.30; 13.30-16.00 (we will close for an hour at lunch)
Bookings and requests for material should still be made in advance. Guidance on how to do so can be found on our reading room page. We recommend visiting this page to familiarise yourself with the most up-to-date procedures to avoid disappointment.
We will have the windows open to provide ventilation (please bring extra layers on cold days!) and we ask that researchers continue to wear face coverings throughout their visits.
Thank you for your patience over the last couple of months while essential building work was taking place. We know that this has caused inconvenience to many of our researchers.