Isotype and publishing

An exhibition featuring work by the Isotype Institute relating to the publication of ‘soft propaganda’ during the Second World War, information books for children, and publishing in British colonial West […]

Way of Type – Evolution of Chinese Typeforms

The exhibition charts the development of type and type-making technologies in China, from the invention of movable type in the eleventh century to the design of digital typefaces of today. […]

Concrete poetry in Britain, 1963–75

Based on material from the collection of the late Andrew Belsey, philosophy lecturer, concrete poet and MA graduate from Typography & Graphic Communication, “Objects made of letters” explores and illustrates […]

The 1980s: selected items from an iconic decade

The exhibition ran between September and December 2022. A showcase display explores items from the Collections from the 1980s. Our two work-experience students, who worked with Emma Minns (Assistant Curator […]

Marie Neurath: picturing science

Marie Neurath: picturing science is the digital legacy of an exhibition at House of Illustration in 2019, curated by Sue Walker and her team, as part of an AHRC-funded project.  […]

Ed Fella: Exit Level Design, 1985–2012

This exhibition ran between 31 January –25 March 2022. This exhibition curated by Rick Poynor showed work of the American graphic designer Edward Fella. For 30 years, Fella (born 1938) […]

Looking at women looking at themselves being looked at

This exhibition was open until 9 September 2022. An exhibition explores the concept of the male gaze in twentieth-century illustration through the female representation in Charles Mozley’s work. Cătălina Zlotea, […]